[6/15/16] I am happy to report that I have won my At Large primary with 63%+ of the votes. Among other things I hope to join Elissa Silverman who was the single vote in support of keeping McMillan Park as a resource for the people.
For the June 14, Primary Election I ran for DC Council At Large as a member of the DC Statehood Green Party. If you wish to support a future candidacy or this blog, please send a check marked G. LEE AIKIN, to 1754 Swann St., NW, Washington, DC 20009*
[11/10/16] The General Election is over, and in a field of six candidates to fill two seats, I came in third as I had hoped. The second place winner had over $300,000 in campaign funds, I had under $10,000. He also had fewer than 4 times as many votes while spending at least 60 times as much.
For the immediate future my major focus of energy will be saving McMillan Park from a NO-BID developer who wants our Mayor to sell them this land valued at over $100million for a bargain price of $17million. Our land paid for with our taxes!!!
Year 2020:
87) 5/27/20 Covid-19: What Treatments Are Working, What Others Might Help
Year 2019:
86) 12/26/19 Government Shutdown and Poverty Diet Tips-- how to Eat Cheap and Stay Healthy
85) 7/2/19 The Iran Crises and my witness to Frank Shaffer-Corona's quixotic hostage rescue efforts in 1980.
Year 2018:
84) 11/20/18
83) 3/10/18 DC TAXES: D-40, Schedule H Individual Tax Benefit Expires April 15, 2018 for 2014
[Don't loose $1,000]
82) 8/18/17 Trump, Donald: Surviving the Trump Year(s?) McMillan Park Fallout & Emergency Shelter
81) 1/15/17 McMillan Park - A Finer Vision for Pro-People Development & Major Court Decision
Year 2016:
80) 10/14/16 DC Constitution & Statehood, Sept. 27 & Oct. 6 Testimony, Consequences of Nov. 8, 2016 Vote
79) 10/11/16 G. Lee Aikin, WAMU & GLAA Questionnaires, More Detailed Answers for 2016 General Election
78) 10/6/16 McMillan Park, Further Updates & Legal Action, Summer/Fall 2016
77) 10/3/16 Tax Justice for Low and Middle Income People, My 12 Year Fight76) 7/11/16 David Grosso & Anita Bonds Bill Removes ANC Chairs from FOIA Requirements.
75) 5/15/16 Statehood for DC, Mayor Fast Tracks New Constitution for Nov. 8, 2016 DC Voter Approval.
74) 4/19/16 DC Statehood - The Only Solution to 200 Years of Disenfranchisement
73) 4/4/16 DC Budget Oversight Hearings on Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (April)
72) 4/2/16 Exelon PEPCO Buyout, A Potential Lawsuit? Is it really over?
71) 3/28/16 TENAC Supports Off. of the Tenant Advocate (Guest post, Jim McGrath, Chairman)
70) 3/6/16 McMillan Park, 3/2/16 Testimony by Daniel Wolkoff, & How Our Water System Functions
Year 2015;
69) 12/28/15 Index of All Posts, Newest to Oldest, Dates, Titles, Guests
68) 11/25/15 DC Government Fails to Use $Millions of HUD Money, In Apparent Effort to Speed Up Gentrification (guest post Angela White Narain)
67) 11/19/15 Excelon/PEPCO takeover, PSC Hearing Nov. 17 & 18, 2015. They Desperately Need Our Ratepayers. Testimony from anti-Exelon Witnesses
66) 11/19/15 DC PSC Community Hearing Witness List for 11-17 & 18, 2015 Hearing (condensed)
65) 9/28/15 Hajj: Muslim Tragedy in Mecca - Mass Casualties in 2015 Hajj, Cause & Prevention?
64) 8/14/15 Chinese Disasters - Environment and Social Problems of Rapid Development
63) 4/15/15 DC Taxes - 2015/2016 Updates: GOOD and BAD News - Revised Schedule H, This Could GIVE YOU Money
62) 2/19/15 A Solar Energy Revolution in Washington, DC [& Puerto Rico power grid disaster] Could Inspire the World (guest post Don Wharton)
61) 1/21/15 Exelon/PEPCO Merger--Is It Good for DC Residents?
Year 2014:
60) 11/12/14 McMillan Park, an Opportunity for DC Council to Serve the People Not Developers (guest additions from Daniel Wolkoff and Kirby Vining)
59) 10/21/14 Shipping Containers Homes, Can Creative Use Help Solve the Low Cost Housing Crisis?
58) 0/6/14 HOW MANY EBOLA VICTIMS COULD BIG PHARMA KILL? If They and the Medical Establishment Don't Try Low Cost Available Treatments
57) 10/3/14 DC Taxes to come down in 2019?, or NOT, as DC Council Approves 2 Tax Revision Commission Recommendations to FINALLY Put $85 million Annually in Our Pockets!
56) 9/22/14 Free DC: The US Capital is the Last Plantation (guest post Scott McLarty)
55) 9/20/14 G. Lee Aikin answers DC Alliance of Youth Advocates, Candidate Questionnaire
54) 9/12/14 DC Mayoral race, 2014, Catania and Schwartz Views on Small Entrepreneurs/Street Vendors (1998)
53) 9/9/14 G. Lee Aikin, Experience, Goals & Hopes, as Candidate, Chairman, DC Council, 2014
52) 8/14/14 DC Elections Heat Up: Out to See the Action at DC for Democracy
51) 3/18/14 DC Council Approval of 2 Tax Revision Commission Recommendations Will Put $85 Million Annually in Our Pockets
50) 3/17/14 Low Income Housing Needs New Ideas
49) 3/10/14 - League of Women Voters Questionnaire--Tax Revision Comm., Affordable Housing, Electoral Reform, Charter/Public Schools
48) 3/4/14 We Must Implement DC Marijuana Laws (and National News)--Decriminalization & Legalization
47) 1/17/14 Pres. Obama, "Save the Middle Class;" Sen. McCain, "Put an End to Greed!"
46) 1/11/14 Congress Illustrates DC's Need for Statehood Once Again: Prohibits Using Our Tax $$
Year 2013:
45) 12/8/13 Keystone XL Pipeline, Prevent Future Tragedy Now: Qingdao Pipeline Explosion Kills 62
44) 11/18/13 Can Our Middle Class be Saved by DC Tax Revision Commission?
43) 9/5/13 $12 Minimum Wage Sought for Montgomery Co., MD; and DC Mayor's $12.50 LRAA Decision
42) 9/3/13 INDEX of all Posts, Recent to Oldest, Dates, Titles [See 12/28/15 update]
41) 9/1/13 50th Anniversary MLK March - Statehood Dreams, Personal Memories
40) 8/13/13 The LOWV questionnaire from 3/27/12 was jumped to this date??
39) 8/1013 DC $12.50 Living Wage, & Walmart Blackmail (and Perry Redd)
38) 4/22/13 DC Special Election, At Large Candidates, April 23, 2013
37) 4/15/13 Boston Marathon Bombing, Summary & Updates
36) 4/4/13 DC Emancipation Day, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
35) 4/1/13 Straw Bale Buildings & Solar for a Sustainable Earth
34) 2/8/13 DC At Large Council Vote 4-23-13, Perry Redd DCSGP Candidate
33) 2/8/13 Perry Redd, At Large, DC Statehood Green Party Candidate
32) 1/6/13 New Congress has more Women, Especially Women (guest post Jo Freeman)
Year 2012:
31) 11/5/12 Unemployment Crisis, 5th post - A New National Lifestyle, (a 6 part series)
30) 11/4/12 Unemployment Crisis, 4th post - A New National Lifestyle
29) 11/2/12 Unemployment Crisis, 3rd post - A New National Lifestyle
28) 10/27/12 Unemployment Crisis, 2nd post - A New National Lifestyle
27) 10/26/12 Unemployment Crisis, 1st post - A New National Lifestyle
26) 10/21/12 Worldwide Unemployment Crisis: Work, has it Changed Permanently (intro to above 5 Posts)
25) 10/21/12 Saving Social Security, Wage Cap, Marriage Penalty, Failure to Index (2016 figures)
24) 10/17/12 Council/Mayor Expulsion for Felony on Nov. Ballot
23) 9/29/12 DC Sacrifice, Blood & Lives, Merit Statehood
22) 9/13/12 Chicago School/Conservative Views of Economy (guest post Don Wharton)
21) 9/4/12 Are You Better Off Today vs 4 Years Ago: "Better" Defined
20) 8/26/12 Rape & Republicans: Their Rape Ideology, Tod Akin Ignorance & Now Zika Virus
19) 8/6/12 Obesity Epidemic, Diabetes, Sugar, Fat and "Obamacare"
18) 7/25/12 Spam Scams from Craigslist and Elsewhere, Buying, Selling, Renting, Responding
17) 6/29/12 Obama/Roberts Empower Health Care - Now Our Duty Begins
16) 6/16/12 A Solar Energy Revolution (guest post Don Wharton)
15) 6/12/12 The Supreme Court (Citizens' United), Anniversary of Another Big Mistake
14) 6/12/12 DC Statehood Green "Shadow" Candidates' Declarations Accepted at BOEE, also Chairmanship vote announced
13) 5/14/12 DC Tax Rates Hurt Working Poor & Middle Class, also Loss of Federal Payment
12) 5/11/12 Harry Thomas Inspired Council Act Received by BOEE (and 10/7/12 update comment)
10) 4/30/12 DC 2013 Budget: Cut the Poor, Collect More Fines
9) 4/22/12 Bd. of Elections & Ethics, Unethical Games??
8) 4/22/12 McMillan Park Reservoir Development Planning
7) 4/9/12 Let's Promote STATEHOOD and a GREEN City (11 ideas)
6) 4/3/12 The slow boil of DC Taxpayers; ARE YOU A FROG? Jump out, call DC Council
4) 3/26/12 A Family History of Labor Activism (my biography with labor emphasis)
3) 3/26/12 DC People Overtaxed & Underserved: or Rip Van Winkle Sleeps On
2) 2/12/12 DC People Overpay for Years as Council Neglects Inflation Fixes (on DC taxes)
1) 2/12/12 G. Lee Aikin, Experience, Goals, Hopes (my resume for At Large Council race)