Monday, December 28, 2015

INDEX of all Posts, Newest to Oldest, Dates, Titles, Guests

As a convenience to my readers here is an index of all Posts with Dates, Titles and Subject (where the title is not clear), and guest authors.  At first most posts were about DC issues, but once I was running for Congress, I also added national issues.  Tax and income issue articles have dates printed RED. Environmental posts are GREEN.  Health and wellness issues are BLUE.  Political posts are PURPLE.  My political information and original ideas are highlighted.  Just click the blue lined titles (or possibly black) to go directly to the blog post.  Otherwise go to the year and month to your left.  I would love to see more comments.

[6/15/16]  I am happy to report that I have won my At Large primary with 63%+ of the votes.  Among other things I hope to join Elissa Silverman who was the single vote in support of keeping McMillan Park as a resource for the people.
     For the June 14, Primary Election I ran for DC Council At Large as a member of the DC Statehood Green Party.  If you wish to support a future candidacy or this blog, please send a check marked G. LEE AIKIN, to 1754 Swann St., NW, Washington, DC 20009*
[11/10/16]  The General Election is over, and in a field of six candidates to fill two seats, I came in third as I had hoped.  The second place winner had over $300,000 in campaign funds, I had under $10,000.   He also had fewer than 4 times as many votes while spending at least 60 times as much.
     For the immediate future my major focus of energy will be saving McMillan Park from a NO-BID developer who wants our Mayor to sell them this land valued at over $100million for a bargain price of $17million.  Our land paid for with our taxes!!!

Year 2020: 
87) 5/27/20  Covid-19: What Treatments Are Working, What Others Might Help

Year 2019:
86) 12/26/19  Government Shutdown and Poverty Diet Tips-- how to Eat Cheap and Stay Healthy

85) 7/2/19  The Iran Crises and my witness to Frank Shaffer-Corona's quixotic hostage rescue efforts in 1980. 

Year 2018: 
84) 11/20/18 California Wildfires and Straw Bale Construction - Some Useful Ideas 
83) 3/10/18   DC TAXES: D-40, Schedule H Individual Tax Benefit Expires April 15, 2018 for 2014
[Don't loose $1,000]

Year 2017:
82) 8/18/17   Trump, Donald: Surviving the Trump Year(s?) McMillan Park Fallout & Emergency Shelter
81) 1/15/17   McMillan Park - A Finer Vision for Pro-People Development & Major Court Decision

Year 2016:
80) 10/14/16 DC Constitution & Statehood, Sept. 27 & Oct. 6 Testimony, Consequences of Nov. 8, 2016 Vote
79) 10/11/16 G. Lee Aikin, WAMU & GLAA Questionnaires, More Detailed Answers for 2016 General Election

78) 10/6/16   McMillan Park, Further Updates & Legal Action, Summer/Fall 2016

77) 10/3/16   Tax Justice for Low and Middle Income People, My 12 Year Fight
76) 7/11/16   David Grosso & Anita Bonds Bill Removes ANC Chairs from FOIA Requirements.
75) 5/15/16   Statehood for DC, Mayor Fast Tracks New Constitution for Nov. 8, 2016 DC Voter Approval.
74) 4/19/16   DC Statehood - The Only Solution to 200 Years of Disenfranchisement
73) 4/4/16     DC Budget Oversight Hearings on Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (April) 
72) 4/2/16     Exelon PEPCO Buyout, A Potential Lawsuit?  Is it really over?
71) 3/28/16   TENAC Supports Off. of the Tenant Advocate (Guest post, Jim McGrath, Chairman)
70) 3/6/16     McMillan Park, 3/2/16 Testimony by Daniel Wolkoff, & How Our Water System Functions

Year 2015;
69) 12/28/15 Index of All Posts, Newest to Oldest, Dates, Titles, Guests
68) 11/25/15 DC Government Fails to Use $Millions of HUD Money, In Apparent Effort to Speed Up Gentrification (guest post Angela White Narain)
67) 11/19/15 Excelon/PEPCO takeover, PSC Hearing Nov. 17 & 18, 2015.  They Desperately Need Our Ratepayers.  Testimony from anti-Exelon Witnesses
66) 11/19/15 DC PSC Community Hearing Witness List for 11-17 & 18, 2015 Hearing (condensed)
65) 9/28/15   Hajj: Muslim Tragedy in Mecca - Mass Casualties in 2015 Hajj, Cause & Prevention?
64) 8/14/15   Chinese Disasters - Environment and Social Problems of Rapid Development
63) 4/15/15   DC Taxes - 2015/2016 Updates: GOOD and BAD News - Revised Schedule H, This Could GIVE YOU Money
62) 2/19/15   A Solar Energy Revolution in Washington, DC [& Puerto Rico power grid disaster] Could Inspire the World (guest post Don Wharton)
61) 1/21/15   Exelon/PEPCO Merger--Is It Good for DC Residents?

Year 2014:
60) 11/12/14 McMillan Park, an Opportunity for DC Council to Serve the People Not Developers (guest additions from Daniel Wolkoff and Kirby Vining)
59) 10/21/14 Shipping Containers Homes, Can Creative Use Help Solve the Low Cost Housing Crisis? 
58) 0/6/14   HOW MANY EBOLA VICTIMS COULD BIG PHARMA KILL?  If They and the Medical Establishment Don't Try Low Cost Available Treatments
57) 10/3/14   DC Taxes to come down in 2019?, or NOT, as DC Council Approves 2 Tax Revision Commission Recommendations to FINALLY Put $85 million Annually in Our Pockets!
56) 9/22/14   Free DC:  The US Capital is the Last Plantation (guest post Scott McLarty)
55) 9/20/14   G. Lee Aikin answers DC Alliance of Youth Advocates, Candidate Questionnaire
54) 9/12/14   DC Mayoral race, 2014, Catania and Schwartz Views on Small Entrepreneurs/Street Vendors (1998)
53) 9/9/14     G. Lee Aikin, Experience, Goals & Hopes, as Candidate, Chairman, DC Council, 2014
52) 8/14/14   DC Elections Heat Up:  Out to See the Action at DC for Democracy
51) 3/18/14   DC Council Approval of 2 Tax Revision Commission Recommendations Will Put $85 Million     Annually in Our Pockets
49) 3/10/14 - League of Women Voters Questionnaire--Tax Revision Comm., Affordable Housing, Electoral Reform, Charter/Public Schools
48) 3/4/14     We Must Implement DC Marijuana Laws (and National News)--Decriminalization & Legalization
47) 1/17/14   Pres. Obama, "Save the Middle Class;" Sen. McCain, "Put an End to Greed!"
46) 1/11/14   Congress Illustrates DC's Need for Statehood Once Again: Prohibits Using Our Tax $$

Year 2013:
45) 12/8/13   Keystone XL Pipeline, Prevent Future Tragedy Now: Qingdao Pipeline Explosion Kills 62
44) 11/18/13 Can Our Middle Class be Saved by DC Tax Revision Commission?
43) 9/5/13     $12 Minimum Wage Sought for Montgomery Co., MD; and DC Mayor's $12.50 LRAA Decision
42) 9/3/13     INDEX of all Posts, Recent to Oldest, Dates, Titles [See 12/28/15 update]
41) 9/1/13     50th Anniversary MLK March - Statehood Dreams, Personal Memories
40) 8/13/13   The LOWV questionnaire from 3/27/12 was jumped to this date??
39) 8/1013    DC $12.50 Living Wage, & Walmart Blackmail (and Perry Redd)
38) 4/22/13   DC Special Election, At Large Candidates, April 23, 2013
37) 4/15/13   Boston Marathon Bombing, Summary & Updates
36) 4/4/13     DC Emancipation Day, and Martin Luther King, Jr.
35) 4/1/13     Straw Bale Buildings & Solar for a Sustainable Earth
34) 2/8/13     DC At Large Council Vote 4-23-13, Perry Redd DCSGP Candidate
33) 2/8/13     Perry Redd, At Large, DC Statehood Green Party Candidate
32) 1/6/13     New Congress has more Women, Especially Women (guest post Jo Freeman)

Year 2012:
31) 11/5/12   Unemployment Crisis, 5th post - A New National Lifestyle, (a 6 part series)
30) 11/4/12   Unemployment Crisis, 4th post - A New National Lifestyle
29) 11/2/12   Unemployment Crisis, 3rd post - A New National Lifestyle
28) 10/27/12 Unemployment Crisis, 2nd post - A New National Lifestyle
27) 10/26/12 Unemployment Crisis, 1st post - A New National Lifestyle
26) 10/21/12 Worldwide Unemployment Crisis:  Work, has it Changed Permanently (intro to above 5 Posts)
25) 10/21/12 Saving Social Security, Wage Cap, Marriage Penalty, Failure to Index (2016 figures)
24) 10/17/12 Council/Mayor Expulsion for Felony on Nov. Ballot
22) 9/13/12   Chicago School/Conservative Views of Economy (guest post Don Wharton)
21) 9/4/12     Are You Better Off Today vs 4 Years Ago: "Better" Defined
20) 8/26/12   Rape & Republicans:  Their Rape Ideology, Tod Akin Ignorance & Now Zika Virus
19) 8/6/12     Obesity Epidemic, Diabetes, Sugar, Fat and "Obamacare"
18) 7/25/12   Spam Scams from Craigslist and Elsewhere, Buying, Selling, Renting, Responding
17) 6/29/12   Obama/Roberts Empower Health Care - Now Our Duty Begins
16) 6/16/12   A Solar Energy Revolution (guest post Don Wharton)
15) 6/12/12   The Supreme Court (Citizens' United), Anniversary of Another Big Mistake
14) 6/12/12   DC Statehood Green "Shadow" Candidates' Declarations Accepted at BOEE, also                 Chairmanship vote announced
13) 5/14/12   DC Tax Rates Hurt Working Poor & Middle Class, also Loss of Federal Payment
12) 5/11/12   Harry Thomas Inspired Council Act Received by BOEE (and 10/7/12 update comment)
7)   4/9/12     Let's Promote STATEHOOD and a GREEN City (11 ideas)
6)   4/3/12     The slow boil of DC Taxpayers; ARE YOU A FROG?  Jump out, call DC Council
4)   3/26/12   A Family History of Labor Activism (my biography with labor emphasis)
3)   3/26/12   DC People Overtaxed & Underserved:  or Rip Van Winkle Sleeps On
1)   2/12/12   G. Lee Aikin, Experience, Goals, Hopes (my resume for At Large Council race)

* paid for by Elect G. Lee Aikin, PO Box 53222, Washington, DC 20009.  A copy of our report is filed with the Director of Campaign Finance of the DC Board of Elections.