
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

DC Statehood Green "Shadow" Candidates' Declarations accepted at BOEE, also Chairmanship vote announced

After much hassle, the DC Statehood Green Party finally has its write-in candidates approved at the Bd. of Elections and Ethics for the "Shadow" candidates to appear on the November ballot.  David Schwartzman will be the "Shadow" Senator candidate, and G. Lee Aikin the "Shadow" Representative candidate.  The Shadow rep. is not to be confused with the actual DC Congressional Representative, Eleanor Holmes Norton, who unfortunately does not have a vote, but does have a salary.  Statehood Green Party candidate Natale Lino Stracuzzi is running against Ms. Norton. [Also again in 2014.]   Ann Wilcox will also appear on the ballot as the DCSGP At Large candidate for the Council.  [In 2012]

The Party is still looking for good party members to run for the Wards 2, 4, 7, and 8 Council seats.  [In 2014, Wards 1, 3, 5, and 6.]  There are new rules put out by the BOEE, which incidentally were not told to the active write-in candidates until well after the Primary.  The Party was also not informed about the intent to change these rules until 3 days after the "comment" period had ended, although communications between the Party and the BOEE had been ongoing throughout the comment period.  How ethical is that??  At any rate, according to the new rules, "when the position of candidate is vacant in the aftermath of a primary election for certain offices, the impacted party committee may select, in accordance with its rules, an individual who meets the statutory requirements to hold the office sought to serve as its candidate in the general election."

The Party must notify the BOEE no later that Wednesday, August 8, 2012 of any additional candidate names to appear on the November ballot.  Any such candidate must also file a Declaration of Candidacy by that date.  It would really be great if the DC Statehood Green Party could have a full slate of candidates for the General Election. Judging from the disturbances surrounding our major party, new blood is definitely needed in our political arena.

On Monday (June 11th) while submitting our Declarations of Candidacy at BOEE, we also received the latest news regarding the Chairmanship.  Effective that date the BOEE has certified that a vacancy exists in the office of  Chairman of the Council of DC, and a special election to fill the vacancy will occur on Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2012 (the same day as the General Election).

Candidates wishing to appear on the ballot must obtain 3,000 signatures of registered voters in DC.  The petition circulation period begins on Friday, June 15 and ends on Wednesday, August 8th.  All registered DC voters are eligible to vote for Chairman.  Those wishing further information on dates, deadlines, etc. can contact or phone 202-727-2194.

Another interesting fact discovered while attending recent events is the distress felt by many in the Hispanic community about President Obama's treatment of the immigration situation.  While at the BOEE offices we were told about one young man whose parents brought him here when he was 4 years old who is about to be shipped out of the only country he has ever really known--the good old USA.  Citizens of Hispanic origin might find the Statehood Green Party more sympathetic than our President's party.  [If elected, Mrs. Aikin would probably be the most fluent Spanish speaker elected in DC.]  For that matter other disillusioned voters might wish to join us as well.  Anyone wishing to register or change their registration can find the form on line at the BOEE site, or go down to their offices at 441 4th St., NW, right next to the Judiciary Square Metro stop.  [2014, They can also change registration at the polling place and file a provisional ballot.]

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